Hippos lacrosse was founded to bring the love of the sport back, while still keeping a high level of competition.
The goal of the Hippos is to teach the players the proper fundamentals of lacrosse through accountability, humility, self-determination, and the desire to succeed from within.
I want my players to love to play lacrosse. Feeling too much pressure tends to take the fun out of the sport. For example, ranking 3rd grade teams nationally, and forcing players and parents to drive 3 hours to play 5 lacrosse games in 48 hours.
My favorite memories growing up were playing in my lacrosse games on Saturdays and then spending the rest of the weekend playing with my friends. But once I started playing high school club lacrosse, the fun of the sport began to fade. Lacrosse, lacrosse, lacrosse, lacrosse. After my junior year at Sherwood High School, I debated not playing lacrosse in college. I was so sick of it all. Tournaments all weekend. Not knowing any of my teammates or coaches personally.
When playing lacrosse, I give it my all. I put everything out on the line, as every player should. If a team has a game at 10:00 am and then has to play another game at 11:30 am, you cannot expect the players to have the same desire to play in that second game.
We will be limited to 3 tournaments a year. One in the fall, to cap off our fall season, and two in the summer. Unfortunately, we will have to play the game of “going to tournaments” because down the road in high school that is how you get recruited.
We will play in the Howard County League. We will also have scrimmages scheduled throughout the year. The best way to get better is to play in games!
Outside of playing and practicing, there will be team building activities including paintballing, go-karting, post-game tailgates, and attending college lacrosse games as a team. I want the kids to get to know each other outside of the sport. The better you know your teammates, the harder you’ll play for them.
The players will be held to the highest level of competition. Every player will be required to pass a wall ball test and conditioning test prior to the start of the fall and spring season.
***If a player makes the team that does not guarantee their spot for the following season.***